Dear Parents,
We want to thank you for trusting us truly. We know and understand that you want your children, most precious one, to get the best cultural and religious education they could. You are trusting us about your children’s education. We have completed the Thanksgiving Camp with our middle school students. We assure you that your child both learned and had fun at the same time. They had a chance to practice reading Quran, they learned about our Prophet’s words (Hadis-i Serifler) and his acts (sunnet), his friends’ lives (sahabeler), and concise manual of Islamic faith and ethics. We’ve also done book discussion with the students. At the end of the camp, we organized an individual competition, first and second places received a price. Students also played pool, table tennis, darts etc.
Quran Education
For the Quran class, every student studied Quran with their own mentor and that way every single student had a chance to practice Quran in a small group. The students, depending on their level, studied either Elif-Ba, reading or Tajweed.

Book Discussion
We read the book Abu Bakr As-Siddiq for the book discussion. Every student had a chance to read out loud, and gives his thoughts on it. They each read about one chapter aloud, then explained it, summarized it. That way, every single student understood the book well. We also had questions about this book on the competition we did on the last day of the camp.
Book Reading
In order to understand our Prophet’s companions, the books we’ve read in the reading time are about some of the companions’ lives. The books are: Uthman Ibn Affan, Ali Ibn Abu Talib and Umar Ibn Al-Khattab, Khalid Ibn Al-Walid.

General Knowledge Competition
The competition had 3 different topics, general knowledge, character education and we had questions from the Abu Bakr book. This was an individual competition. Questions appeared on the big screen, each students had a paper in front of them, and they put their answers on the papers they had. We had two students who shared the first place, and two of them shared the second place.
