As Youth Island we have been having annual international trip. These annual trips are to 3rd world countries and with our group we come up with project, then collect donations and accomplish our projects. This year with our group we went to Uganda, to do 3 projects that our group came up with the first project was to do a meat drive, the 2nd project was a health screen because most of the people there don’t have the chance to get checkups done, and the 3rd project was to help out orphanages and a school.
183 meat drive donation from NYC
210 donations given out in Jinjanin
Meats donated to people in need in the village, city and orphanages
In 3 days 2224 patients were given a free health scan , access to the laboratory to get blood work done to diagnose illness, and given Medicine. 10 patients continued their treatments at Nile International.
One cancer patient got surgery on his foot
$ 9,100 was donated to the medical camp
Total expenses of the medical camp were $11,230
During the medical camp 40 patients were diagnosed with cataract. Doctors got their contact info and when found a sponsor they will undergo a cataract surgery (1 cataract surgery = $ 100)
Helped out 2 orphanages and 1 school
Covered all food expenses at orphanages and the school
1st orphanage we covered $140 of their food expenses. We also donated clothing, toys, and candy that we brought with us. We also donated 50kg of meat
2nd orphanage which had 60 students who were visually impaired. We covered their dinner expenses and gave them presents such as toys and candy.
3rd donated toys and clothing to 650 students in Career High School